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Trinity Safety Group today announced it has signed an agreement with the Illinois Public Risk Fund (IPRF) as their loss control partners to provide safety management and loss control services to its members. 

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"Thorough and forward-thinking."

"I had the opportunity to work with Jason Jones, Owner of Trinity Safety Group, in my capacity as an owner's safety representative. I found Jason to be thorough and forward-thinking. I whole-heartedly endorse Jason as a Safety Manager/Professional."

- John Orawiec, Safety Professional - Univ. Of Illinois

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"Our safety program is better today than at any point on our company history."

"Trinity has been a true partner with Circle B in the restructuring and enhancement of our corporate safety program over the past couple years. The impact of this partnership has been felt on all of our project sites and with all of our personnel. I feel our safety program is better today than at any point on our company history."

- John Abbott, President - Circle B Construction Systems

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"Constant Reliable Safety"

""Trinity Safety Group is providing constant reliable safety support to our Rolling Owners Control Insurance Program (ROCIP) projects. Their knowledge of applicable safety codes and regulations, and their willingness to share it in a constructive way, elevates the quality of our projects. From bringing a keen eye to safety plans reviews and jobsite inspections, that keeps our employees, contractors and the public safe.""

- Robert Wells, Jr. CSP, SMS, STS-C - DC Water